Brett Jolly’s Daily Thought (The Jennifer Lopez tribute to Motown during the Grammys)

For the record, I did not watch the Grammys at all. However, I heard that Jennifer Lopez did a tribute to Motown on the show. Next thing I heard was that some people criticized her performance. It is fairly well known that she was never an artist for Motown and her vocal range was not all that great. I understand that she was never a part of Motown, but then again how many people left are? Some of the greatest artists from that label are gone. As for her vocal ability, she just did what everyone else does when tackling a song out of her range: She “changed the key of the song.” Even Smokey Robinson, who did “My girl” in this tribute didn’t sing it in the original key (and he was actually from Motown). I decided to check out the event online and I thought it was pretty good. Of course, there was a lot of dancing, but that is what Jennifer Lopez does “best.” She can still do it well enough to attract major attention, and while some of her vocals were canned the segment came across well in my opinion. Smokey Robinson said that the complainers about the tribute were “stupid.” Motown wasn’t just for Black people (and he would be right with that assessment). I will applaud Jennifer Lopez for a job well done, and will show support for the wonderful tribute she did. While it is true that Beyonce or someone else could have done it, Jennifer was ready, willing and able and deserved the chance. You are invited to check out her tribute and make your own judgment. Thank you for checking out my Daily Thought and as always I wish you the very best that life has to offer.