Brett Jolly’s Daily Thought (Halloween)

I don’t think I have ever made a big deal out of Halloween. In the past 10 years no kids have even come to my house for trick or treat. I usually just end up eating all the candy myself. Years ago I remember going out for Halloween. I was lazy so I didn’t even get a costume. However, I did manage to get a small 3 by 5 card, and I simply “wrote on it and pinned it to my jacket.” I had a message saying “In reality I am a 5 foot 2 Caucasian woman with blonde hair.” For some reason that night I got a “LOT” of candy. I have heard some crazy scary stories, such as this one below:

Whatever you feel about Halloween you have every right to celebrate (or not celebrate). Considering all the craziness that is going on in the world I perfectly understand leaving it all alone. There are too many demented people doing stupid things to even take the chance. This year Halloween is on s Sunday, so I will be performing at church that day. Usually I am “extremely tired” after church so I like to sleep the rest of the day. “If” I feel like doing anything, I may want to check out those spooky haunted sites. I used to take my son each year and we had so much fun. Covid kind of wiped it out for a minute, but hopefully we can resume (If I can ever find the time to go). We shall see. Thank you for checking out my Daily Thought and as always I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

Johnny Gil and Bobby Brown (from New Edition) with Brett Jolly in the center

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