Brett Jolly’s Daily Thought (Topic: “White Supremest discovered to be 14% Black”)

Usually in the news you can find a lot of negativity, and today’s story starts out from a “very” negative origin. However, the end results were just “too” cute to pass up, and I felt duly compelled to post the findings of the outcome. For those of you who may not have heard the story yet, White Supremest Craig Cobb was on a mission to create an ALL pure White town, and he had planned on making in Leith, ND. It has been reported that currently there is only one Black resident living there. Cobb decided to accept the invitation to the Trisha Goddard show, where he had the chance to promote his “hateful” cause and where he was “also” subjected to “DNA testing.” When Goddard read the results, it brought smiles, giggles and laughter to the audience (as well as many television viewers, I’m sure). When Goddard announced the results, it appeared that Mr. Cobb’s DNA structure has him at 86% European and 14% Sub-Suharan African. At that point, Trisha Goddard (who is Black) tells Mr. Cobb “You got a little bro’ in you” and jokingly tried to “fist bump” him twice. Of course, Mr. Cobb is looking mightily “red in the face” for such a white person and refuses to fist bump her back. When I saw the interview (You can Google it online and check it out for yourself) I couldn’t help but smile. To discriminate against people you don’t even know for reasons that are personal in nature is wrong. To eventually find out that you yourself actually belong to that category you are prejudiced against is “priceless.” If in fact these test results hold up, Mr. Cobb would not even be a candidate for the very town he is trying to create. I posted this story today because with “hate” there is always a “cost.” Those who vehemently promote hate lose a little dignity, respect and decency in their endeavors. We all have prejudices, but we all should be able  to exhibit enough “control” to make sure that our demons don’t show themselves.  If these test results hold up, it will be interesting to see just how much Mr. Craig wants to follow through with his agenda, or whether or not he plans to “amend” his position. Right now, I can’t imagine “any” race wanting to accept him and he may end up as a man “without an ethnicity or accepted culture.” The best part yet is that he may be the main one responsible for his “own exile.” This was a great ending to a very bad story. Of course, for this particular individual, we MUST bring back our revered lyricist, the Phantom Poet:

You are a White Supremest, and when it comes to other races you are always on the attack
However, how does it make you feel when you find out that you yourself are 14% Black?
You promote racism and violence without thinking… You are always quick to pull the trigger
Yet in the end, you take a DNA test only to find that in reality you are just another N—–
You promote your cause to hate other races, because in separatism you are clearly a believer
Well, now the Neo- Nazis don’t want you….and “We” don’t want you either…
You have just been “exposed” on national television, and your concept has just been wrecked
Before you go off hating on all these other races, your dumb ass should have first “CHECKED”
You are a part of “US” now, and to make your degradation and embarrassment complete
I would like to invite you to take a walk with me to get food, from the Popeyes up the street
There is even a slight possibility that you just might be “kin to me”
However, right now you have literally proven to be your own “worst enemy”
Now you have made a fool of yourself, and you deserve the public backlash
But that’s what you get for going on TV and becoming such a jackass
This was a very funny story today, and I hope this gets to make big news
Because the moral of this story is “Never judge a man, until you have walked in his shoes”

“Was he seen at the Million Man March? I think we missed him” The Phantom Poet

Activist Al Sharpton and Dick Gregory with Brett Jolly in background

