Brett Jolly’s Thought for Today (Reaction to overturning of Roe vs. Wade)

I guess we knew this was coming. There had been a previous “leak” about the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade, and now “it has finally happened.” This has implications from all around the world. Here is just a sample of what is going on:

The Supreme Court also decided to expand gun rights here in the US. That means that they want to “protect the right to life on one instance” while they want to “expand the right to kill someone on the other instance.” How “backwards” is that? Men AND women are joining in solidarity to protest this decision and this doesn’t seem to be settling down at all. Does the court have the right to govern a woman’s body with legislation? For the record, I am not in favor of killing anyone. However, if they are going to rescind abortion rights then they need to protect “ALL” life as well. “Capital punishment needs to be outlawed. Gun rights need to be more stringent. War needs to be illegal. The mask laws for pandemics need to be strengthened.” The biggest problem with ending abortion is that “the struggle doesn’t just end with birth.” A baby needs “a lifetime of nurturing and parental guidance to make it in this world.” A baby cannot survive on it’s own. If we cannot give the baby the proper guidance and love then what chance will it have? If a baby grows up to know frustration and the gun laws are expanded then “what chance do WE have?” The right to life isn’t just about babies. If we are “not prepared” to handle an ” already overpopulated world” then we will only be “contributing to our own extinction.” Maybe instead of sending babies to foster homes and adoption agencies we should send them to live with the members of the Supreme Court. Now wouldn’t THAT be special? Thank you for checking out my Thought for Today and as always I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

Brett Jolly with Robin Roberts, host for the television program “Good Morning America”