Brett Jolly’s Thought for Today (“People like us”)

I am doing interviews of people with interesting stories to tell. They don’t have to be celebrities or world figures, but regular people that are doing good things. I am doing this so that we can learn more about each other in a world that often seems so distant. I produced the interview (along with Toni Trower) and I hope to feature more stories. If we know more about each other then maybe it will help us all to unite and feel closer to our neighbors. Today’s feature is a Philadelphia blues artist by the name of Lisa Chavous:)

Brett Jolly’s Thought for Today (The significance of the term “Convicted Felon”

We all know the recent details of what happened politically. A Presidential candidate was recently tried and convicted on 34 counts. As bad as that seems, this Thought for today is “not” about the individual found guilty, but rather about how we should handle other similar cases. Follow me? Here is my case in point. If you can run for the “highest” office in the land (and even possibly win it) as a “felon” then how should that reflect on other job opportunities for other people? For instance, if you wanted to work a job in the school system should it matter if you are a felon? Should it matter if you want to work as a fireman or police officer if you are a felon? Should it matter if you wanted to work at a hospital? Should the term “felon” be erased from all qualifications for employment? If the term “felon” doesn’t apply for the highest office of the land then why should it be an issue for the rest of us? I know people who committed crimes and paid their debt to society in prison. Yes, they made mistakes and paid for them. However, once they have paid their debt to society then why do they have to still carry around the term “felon” for job applications? No matter how you feel about the Presidential candidate who was recently convicted this post is about everyone else who has been hampered by this label. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. If someone uses the argument that the public needs to be aware and protected from felons then shouldn’t that same debate apply to the Presidency as well? As I said, this is not about one individual person but the many others who are looking for a second chance in life. If one person deserves it, then maybe “we ALL” should deserve it as well… Thank you for checking out my Thought for Today and as always I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

Allyson Williams (hit song: “Just call my name”) in concert with Brett Jolly on bass guitar

Brett Jolly’s Thought for Today (What are we being led to believe?)

I recently saw some video of Will Smith and Martin Lawrence promoting “Bad boys.” Will was his usual self, full of energy and acting like he normally does. However, people are saying that Martin Lawrence was acting weird (and the videotape seems to confirm this behavior). Of course, speculation is now running rampant with conspiracy theories about what people “think happened to Lawrence.” Recently I heard that Martin is no longer even Martin, but rather a clone of him (It has been said that Martin actually died and gave permission to be cloned). Now, as “ridiculous” as this sounds, we need to reflect on a few things. Years ago there was a big theory about “cloning” and the conclusions that would result from it. It was a big story for a minute, but then the buzz seemed to dissipate and people stopped mentioning it. I don’t think that cloning ceased by any means. With this being said, is it possible that Martin Lawrence was cloned? Actually, it “is” possible, but there are questions. How complete is cloning and can it capture 100% of a person’s character and physical attributes? Also, “if” Lawrence can be cloned, then is it possible that other people have “already” been cloned? This year 2024 has been viewed as the year when the truth gets exposed for no longer being truthful. With the invention of AI, cloning, misleading social media and “flat out lying” most people don’t know what to believe anymore. Justice is supposed to be equally applied to everyone (unless, of course, you have enough money or power to buy authorities out). No one knows who to rely on anymore, and there are people out there trying to “mislead us.” Now when I hear something I “never” assume it to be true unless I get more information from different sources. Mind control seems to be a focal part of our lives now, but they can only succeed “if we allow them to.” You owe it to yourself to be in charge of what you feel, what you know, and what you believe. If it seems “too good to be true” then chances are it probably is. Do your homework, and verify your own information. You may actually “discover yourself in the process…” Thank you for checking out my Thought for Today, and as always I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

Chuck D (from the rap group “Public enemy” performing “Fight the Power” with Brett Jolly directly behind him on bass guitar