Brett Jolly’s Thought for Today (when independent thought no longer is independent thought)

We all are human beings capable of making our own decisions. However, “are our decisions really our own?” If you think about it, everything we feel or believe has been influenced (to some degree) by someone (or something) else. Many of us get our information from social media (but how truthful or accurate is that information?). History has probably taught us a lot, but when you break it down to make things simpler then history becomes “his story” and then it seems to take on a whole new identity. My history told me that George Washington never told a lie. How do we know for sure if this is true? At this stage of our lives there are conspiracy theories that cast doubt on things like Abraham Lincoln freeing the slaves to the moon landing to 911. Most of us know what has been told to us, but are there missing pieces to these stories? For political offices, I often hear about how money makes a big difference in a candidate’s chances to be elected. If our decisions are truly our own, then why does “anything depend on money?” Is it because money will help to influence our thoughts? If that is the case, then it seems like we are “not that capable” of making our own decisions as we thought. How many times have you heard a new song on the radio (and didn’t like it at first)? Then through repetition the song actually “grew on you.” Was it your decision to finally like this tune or just the fact that you heard it so much you finally decided to just accept it and give it good favor? The same thing happens with our news. Many people are a reflection of the social media programs that pump their own information to us. Have you ever noticed how when a station has something bad to say about someone the picture they show along with the news is usually unflattering? Is that an attempt to “brainwash” your views? That could mean that our news is “tainted.” If you stopped watching social media for a long while would you start to see things differently? We need to get back to becoming independent thinkers. When someone controls your thoughts then they control your world. Be your own person and be free. You might actually learn yourself in the process… Thank you for checking out my Thought for Today and as always I wish you the very best that life has to offer.

Johnny Gil, Brett Jolly and Bobby Brown

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